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Hot Updates and Cool Treats. It’s Your Summer Newsletter From Lovelace & Associates LLC

Courtney Henry

Updated: Jun 29, 2023

Things are officially heating up this new season and we have some exciting updates to share!

Before we dive in, I want to extend sincere gratitude for all who continue to support and uplift my family as we grieve my mother’s passing this past May. I am the woman I am today because of her and I vow to continue her legacy of love and family. Offices are officially reopened but will be closed again from June 30th - July 4th. Again, a huge thank you for all of the community support.

Although operations were remote for part of May, Lovelace & Associates LLC has still maintained a strong presence throughout Philadelphia, Bucks, Chester, Delaware, & Montgomery Counties.

Here are some things we’ve been working on and a few things to look forward to…

Congratulations Graduates!

**Not Pictured: Lori-Brook Howell. A college graduate from Delaware University**

It was a blessing to gift 6 high school graduates & 1 college graduate, scholarship money before they enter into the next big stage of their life. Families and friends showed up with pride to celebrate.

The goal of the Kaleem Lovelace Scholarship is to inspire students and their families to keep striving, define their own success, and know that they are supported! Lovelace & Associates gifted 6, $500 scholarships to be used to help the students with educational expenses like books, tuition, room and board, meals, or anything that would help the recipients continue their life’s journey.

Applicants must have been a graduating High School or College Senior in Philadelphia or surrounding counties. Have clear goals to attend an accredited College or University. Submit a 150 word response to the word: Discipline. And have a unique story to inspire students and their families working with any struggle.

Election Results Are In!

Congratulations to Hakim Jones for winning the May Primary Election for District Judge of Norristown. Best wishes in taking the November general election. A Huge thank you to all who came out and voted.

Welcome, Robin Richardson

We’d like to extend an official welcome to our Executive Office Manager, Robin Richardson, who has been with us for 30 days and already feels like family.

Ms. Robinson brings 20+ years of office management experience and is truly dedicated to making the load lighter.

She has joined at a difficult time for our family and I appreciate her eagerness to fill in the gaps and remain flexible during this time.

Her professionalism and organization are on point! Thank you Ms. Richardson!!

For your support and loyalty you deserve to cool down the Philly Way!!

July 1- August 1 2023 when you receive any notary service or document legalization you receive a FREE Gift Card to Rita’s Water Ice.

Got any of these you need to take care of this summer?

Certified Notary


Copy Certification

Jurat (Oath or Affirmation)

Unofficial Witnessing

Real estate closings

Loan documents

Title transfers

Medical affidavits and codicils

Medical record releases

Power of attorney documents


Insurance documents

Claims and releases

Letters from parents or legal guardians authorizing permission for minors to travel

Personal and legal Documents

School documents and guardianships

Canadian immigrations cover letters

Adoption documents.

Contact us today for stellar service and a

FREE Rita's Water Ice, on us!


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